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Youth Ambition delivers Summer Holiday Activities in Northway, Rose Hill and Littlemore!

The Youth Ambition programme has £138,000 budget to provide holiday activities within Oxford’s regeneration areas. The team grant funds voluntary and community groups to deliver activities and where there are gaps in provision provide activities themselves.

This year Youth Ambition delivered youth clubs in Littlemore, Northway and Rose Hill. The project was supported by 5 young leaders who all gained an AQA Accreditation in Leadership by helping with the planning, preparation, delivery and evaluation of the project. Their input helped staff achieve the overall aim of delivering fun, challenging, creative and engaging activities to young people with a theme of understanding and celebrating diversity.

During the summer 121 young people engaged in the programme taking part in a range of activities including cooking, art and photography, sports, a film project and trips. All the activities provided encouraged young people to think more about the importance of diversity. They cooked using recipes from around the world, took part in art and photography sessions that made them think more about their local community and watched films celebrating different areas of diversity including race, gender, sexuality and disability. Overall the young people got a lot out of the project explaining that “It’s been interesting learning about other people” with another young person identifying that “diversity is important because everyone is equal."

The diversity project was concluded in the final week as the young people created art work showing what they had learnt about diversity during the summer and put it up on display outside Cowley Centre.  Young people should be very proud of all the work they put into the project especially the 28 young people who ended the project achieving an AQA Accreditation in Understanding Diversity.

Overall the project was a great success with young people describing their summer as “so much fun” and “the best summer ever”.

To find out more about the individual project you can download each of the case studies here: