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About us

Young people playing football

Youth Ambition is a part of our Active Communities Team at Oxford City Council. The work we do links into the Council's corporate priority of Stronger, More Active Communities and also delivers our Youth Ambition Strategy.

The aim of Youth Ambition is to build meaningful relationships with disadvantaged young people aged 11-19 years old, (or up to 25 if they have physical or learning difficulties), who are from Oxford’s regeneration areas.

We engage with young people through youth voice activities, youth clubs, multi-sports sessions and detached work in a variety of settings. We also work in partnership with other voluntary, community and statutory organisations.

Getting to know young people gives us the opportunity to identify their needs and we then help them to develop through community projects; issue based group work and 1 to 1 advice and guidance. We will also actively refer them for specialist support if needed.

The result is more cohesive communities and independent young people who are healthy and happy, have the skills and knowledge to access and maintain employment, education or training and are not involved in crime and anti-social behaviour.

Case studies

We also have some case studies that you can read more about: